You are not alone
A community serves the purpose of giving you a place to feel at home, comforted, understood. During tough times it is easy to feel lonely and lose hope. All people need sometimes is a reminder that they still have connections with others even if they can't see it. I collaborated with two of my peers, Kerri Holt and Gabi Swanson, to create an outlet for communities to share their challenges and see that they are not alone in their struggle.
This mural served as a safe space for visitors to anonymously share things that they have been experiencing. It also served as a space where viewers could read about the problems that others are experiencing. 
It was a public space that encouraged empathy and connection.
If a viewer wanted to contribute, they would take a sticker and write on it and stick it on the wall. My collaborators also added a virtual element, where you could scan the mural and add to it virtually.
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